a secret rendezvous

01.13.2005 // 8:54 p.m.

yet another glorious day of endless poetry paraphrases! today's assignments... more poetry from william blake's songs of innocence and experience for my brit lit class and some more of shakespeare's sonnets for my intro to shakespeare class... sonnets directed towards shakespeare's beautiful albeit mysterious young friend...

i finally caught up and moved ahead of where i need to be on the syllabus which means i will be able to take a break tomorrow and possibly post something of interest that is not school-related (although it's just as likely that i'll keep at it, at least until i am decently ahead of schedule...)

tonight's plans... a late night telephone conversation... & perhaps, some wine... & hopefully... some sleep!

it's ironic that in one of the last sonnets that i read, shakespeare is physically exhausted but unable to sleep because he is haunted by the shadow of his young friend

i laid awake for hours last night contemplating my upcoming rendezvous with Jeff... the mere thought of even getting to hug him is just so overwhelmingly fantastic...

i cannot even begin to explain... if you've ever really loved someone and lost them (or in my case stupidly stupidly stupidly let them go), you'll understand... i can only say that seeing the love of your life years after you've broken things off is terrifying & electrifying & wow i really just can't wait to see what comes of it... if anything comes of it at all... probably nothing more than empty longing & regret... but i can dream

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